Saturday, May 21, 2011

Retail Therapy

Needless to say, the roomies and I were a tad bit hungover this morning. We again, slept in for a while and hung around the flat. I have been using a lot of my limited weekly internet writing/uploading pictures for this blog…and Skyping friends and family! Kiley and I were bored, and feeling a tad bit homesick so we decided to take the tube to Oxford Circus to walk around and get some pizza (something other than the packaged sandwich and “crisps” meals we have been eating from Tesco). I find it quite annoying that there is usually no ice served in our drinks at restaurants and no free refills. We also did a little bit of shopping at Top Shop…which was nothing short of an overwhelming experience – 3 stories of endless clothes, shoes, and accessories). We spent about 3 hours in the lost on where to begin. Everyone else shopping seemed to know what they were doing and what they were looking for, bustling through the isles of items. We bought a couple of needed things…retail therapy (sorry Dad!)

I want to see this!

We soon realized it was 8:30 pm, it doesn't get dark here until really late, and we then headed back to our flat to eat dinner with the roomies and watch some British Television!

Kiley and I with our street sign

Biscuit Fingers...a very interesting term for a Twix bar! Most chocolate bars are referred to as some sort of "biscuit" and I can't stop buying them from Tesco!

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