Monday, May 30, 2011

Hyde Park

This morning we all woke up and wanted to do something fun to get out of the apartment. We decided to venture to the famous Hyde Park to maybe do some bike riding or go out on the paddle boats. Of course, without fail, once we make the journey there it became overcast and cold and started lightly raining...just our luck! We still walked around for a while and looked at the beautiful gardens and saw some really cool rollerblading tricks! A group of people set up a line of cones and put on dance music and danced/bladed through the cones trying not to knock them over. We were all impressed as they were very talented. They were having a lot of fun with it I wish I could do something that cool! Squirrels are extremely friendly here and will come up and eat food out of your hand!! So different from America where they are skittish weird assholes. After staring at squirrels for a while we walked over the pond and saw all of the paddle boats and lawn chairs that were laid out for tanning. It made me sad about the weather and I immediately decided I MUST go back and sunbathe ASAP once it is over 60 degrees and sunny! (I have been stalking the Weather Channel and Wednesday might be the day!)

My flatmates!

Horsies and a DILF

After the park we went to the Harrods, the famous department store. I thought maybe I would find something to buy on this cold, rainy day...but sadly the only thing I could afford in the whole store were a couple of chocolates (which I did buy for myself!) The enormous store was gorgeous as well as everything inside of it. One day I will be extremely rich and will buy some gorgeous items from there.

After our shopping excursion, we all went to a delicious Italian dinner at a restaurant called ASK (we had some buy-one-get-one-free coupons and were more than thrilled to save a buck on food for once!) The food was amazing I definitely want to go back. I have been living off of egg salad sandwiches from Tesco, toast, "Crunchy Nut" cereal, and chocolate croissants...oh and beer (so unhealthy, I'm already getting fat.) I need to start starving myself so I can shop...hehe.

OH - we also went and saw Hangover 2 the other night and I thought it was absolutely hilarious! We did have to pay about 15 dollars for it (but totally worth it.) The theatre was actually not freeeeeeezing cold like every movie theatre in America. We also stole a huge roll of toilet paper from the bathroom because we are only supplied with 2 rolls a week (seriously...for 6 girls? no way) also, our washing machine and DVD player have been broken the whole time we have been here. And our toilet has a mind of its own. It's been an experience. BUT I am loving every minute of it and never want to leave!!!!! Maybe I won't...hmm...we will see!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Manchester United vs Barcelona

Yesterday we went to a pub to watch the Manchester United vs Barcelona soccer game! We got to the pub pretty early and ate and drank a few beers and then it got SO crowded about an hour before the game with fans. It was so much fun and a lot different from all the clubs we have been going to. We met a lot of people and got to watch a really exciting game. Sadly, Man U lost...but everyone still partied afterwards! We went to Picadilly Institute yet again. 

My new friend from Paris


Cool walls

Friday, May 27, 2011

Camden Market

Today Caroline, Juliana and I went to Camden Market! It was about a 45 minute tube ride but it was definitely worth it. There were so many cool shops and huts and little places to eat. A lot of it was super touristy with numerous I HEART LONDON souvenirs, but there were also a ton of unique shops and I loved the town! I definitely want to go back. For my Sociology class, we had to pick a "neighbourhood" in London that interests us for us to research, so I chose Camden and I have to give a presentation on it in a couple of weeks. 

Cool street art

Scooters as seats to eat on inside the market


Awesome shops

Coolest store ever...full of crazy rave gear, blacklight stuff and spacesuits. I need to go back.

Our chinese food that I will never eat again!

Juliana and Caroline

Pastel houses that I love

Imagine paying this for gas!

After Camden, some of my roommates' friends from Oklahoma University were in London and came to hang out with us! We went to Picadilly Institute again for some drinks. Going out is so different here. Drinks are ridiculously expensive, they put way less alcohol in cocktails, and there aren't as many southern gentlemen eager to buy us girls drinks...I guess its something I'll have to get used to!

For some reason I thought this ad on the tube was funny hehe

Roomies :)

Crazy ceilings

The bartenders wear scrubs!

Kristin and TJ

Kiley and Juliana

Making friends with the shot girl!

...and I ended up with goggles?